
The Bucks Lake Snow Drifters club has been a member of the CNSA since 1982. The Bucks Lake Snow Drifters supplies all of the volunteer time and work for trail grooming in the Bucks Lake area for snowmobile riders and cross country skiers. 

The Grooming Program at Bucks Lake is funded by snowmobile and off road vehicle Green Sticker Registration Fees paid.  This money also pays for the parking lot maintenance and upkeep of the bathrooms at the trail heads.  The operation and support of the grooming effort is on a volunteer basis, with the Bucks Lake Snow Drifters club covering the remaining expenses that the Green Sticker Registration Fees can’t meet.  Club Membership is important to support the Groomer Program.  All the people that recreate at Bucks Lake benefit from the Grooming Program, from Snowmobilers to Cross Country Skiers to everyone parking in the parking lot.

Safety is a primary goal at all our functions

We, as a non profit club, promote family participation, respect for wilderness areas, and safety.


Check out all of our events hosted in the Bucks Lake area.


See maps of the trails available this snowmobile season.


Check out all of our events hosted in the Bucks Lake area.


We are thankful to our supporters, check them out here!